Diona Nuit

Miqo'te Mercenary, daughter of the Hunt.


Height: 160cm // 5'2
Eyes: Pale yellow
Hair: Ashy grey
Sexuality: Bisexual
Current Residence: Ishgard
Primary Job: Red Mage

Between work, Diona is never too hard to find. Listen for the sound of a crackling hearth, search for the smell of a warm meal, and reach for the comfort of a shelter from the elements, and you'll find her there.Whether it's a dingy bar, a bustling club, or a quiet bed and breakfast, her love for good company and good food can often get her into trouble, especially financially. Knowing when to save her coin is a skill she never developed after leaving her birthplace of the wilds of Coerthas. She's quick to put her money where her mouth is, and her mouth can be voracious.She finds her gil through hunting of prey animals, bringing back meats and other fresh ingredients for her employers, and has become renown amongst common folk for her reliability, as no job proves too menial, no search too tiresome. She has always offered her assistance for jobs that may be 'below' hero types, for she is no hero.When asked why, Diona has the same answer every time, with a wry grin."Why, it's the thrill of it, that's all."

"Hmmm? You have a gift for me?"Diona's mind raced. What could it be? She's mentioned in the past her love of food, sure. Could it be a homecooked meal? No, who would bring that to a place like this?... Could it be some sort of makeup, then? She was running low on her favourite pixie plum gloss, after all... Ah, but she hadn't mentioned that to anyone, so probably not. Since she didn't wear makeup everyday, she couldn't expect someone to think of such a thing as a present... Gil? She never had been one to turn down such things, so it could be."Well, spit it out! What have you got for me?"

Story Prompts

In the bustling hub of Ul'dah's Adventurers guild, Diona admired her handywork with a pleased grin. Amongst the flyers of various quests, her own request now sat, decorated with childishly scrawled drawings of herself before a myriad of creatures, brandishing her rapier. In scratchy handwriting, she had written her resume. A Red Mage looking for adventuring companions, to slay great foes. She sighed; Nothing left to do but wait.

☆ In love and war, Diona is a huntress with a fierce primal streak, and an obsession with the 'hunt.' Give her a challenge and you'll be rewarded with that same ferocity.☆ Diona adores a good meal, and will share a table with most anyone if they treat her tastebuds right. She also cooks herself, but doesn't consider herself particularly skilled.☆ Somewhere in Eorzea, Diona has a brother. She saved his life many years ago, and hasn't seen so much as the tufts of his ears since.


I thrive best in medium length RP in game, with enough detail to feel descriptive and engaging, without it overflowing into multiple paragraphs. Once established, I'm happy to move to Discord if such things are easier, where I appreciate longer, story based literature.
I am not looking for any kind of exclusivity.I welcome heavy themes and ideas, when handled in a way that is thought provoking and meaningful. I also adore romance that blossoms naturally, through charm and coy flirting.It's all a hunt, after all ♡

FFXIV Roleplayers

Let the hunt begin!

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